Friday 21 June 2013

Shaklee dan Diabetes

Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman seorang pesakit diabetes dan Shaklee. Jom luangkan masa sedikit masa anda untuk membaca artikel ini

"Shaklee nutrition products work and here is proof! Hello, My name is Leddy V. I have a family history of diabetes - my mother, father and brother are all diabetics. I have always felt good, kept my health in check and got annual checkups with my family physician. It wasn't until August 2007 that I was diagnosed with this disease. I had not been feeling good - mostly just tired all the time, sleepy all the time and I could never get enough water! When I was diagnosed, my blood sugar was over 700 and my A1C was 12. Even my doctor could not believe these numbers!
I immediately started taking a number of medications- insulin, metformin, a diuretic, etc. to try and get my sugars under control. Even with a significant change in my diet (I had an enormous sweet tooth before and ate a lot of red meat), I could not get my daily sugars under 180-200. The "normal" range is anything less than 150 - with numbers closer to 100 being ideal. Worse than this, I felt horrible. I felt more tired than before and depression became a part of my life. I was taking 7 medications daily because after taking many of the diabetes meds, my cholesterol was out of whack too. I was desperate and really looking for anything to help me.
In January 2009, my wife convinced me, begrudgingly, to attend a Shaklee meeting with her. My wife is a 2nd generation Shaklee kid as her family has used Shaklee products for more than 25 years. She had always tried to get me to take my health more seriously - but I was a naysayer and skeptic (which is an understatement) and would never even take a vitamin. We have always used the Shaklee products in our home during our 9 year marriage- but I never thought I needed any supplements or vitamins. However, it was during this meeting that I was introduced to Vivix. I learned about the mechanism of action and how it was supposed to work at a cellular level in the body. I also had the opportunity to hear from Jim, a Presidential Master Coordinator, about Vivix and about Shaklee's science behind the product.
Finally, I heard from a 70+ year old lady that was also a diabetic. She had been a diabetic for as long as she could remember and had been on medications for most of her life. She reported that she had been taking Vivix and had seen a dramatic decrease in her blood sugar levels - now to the point that she was actually no longer on ANY medications. My only thought at that point was...if I could just cut my medications and 3 daily injections in half, I would consider it a success.
So - on the ride home that Saturday, I agreed to try Vivix Liquid Dietary Supplement. I was skeptical but desperate. I began taking the product in late January. While taking the product, I began to research resveratrol. I couldn't believe the research and science that had been done on this one ingredient! I also started listening to more information from Shaklee. I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Jamie McManus here in Phoenix in March 2009. She talked about the state of health today in the US - and diabetes was definitely a topic. Dr. Jamie recommended a high quality protein for diabetics (like Cinch) and also Vitalizer for a healthy balance of nutrients.
I decided to add these products to my daily regimen. I was very dedicated to monitoring my blood sugar daily and noticed, after about 60 days, that my levels were, in fact coming down. I was consistently below 170 and nearing the 150 mark. I could not believe what I was seeing - or how I was feeling! More energy, better quality of sleep, and better overall health. I continued on this regimen and after about 4 months, I started to decrease my injections because my sugars were getting too low!
When I went in to see my endocrinologist, my A1C had lowered to 8 and my sugars were definitely within range. Even better, my cholesterol was not just within normal ranges - I was on the low end of the range for LDL and triglycerides. So I continued to wean myself off my meds until my blood sugar levels were consistently normal – with my doctor’s help.
I now take NO medications at all - and continue to take my Shaklee vitamins and protein. I added extra B Complex and OmegaGuard as well. 
Shaklee has given me my life back and I feel better today at 51 than I have felt in many years. Turns out, there really is something to this nutrition stuff! That's my story. I hope it is helpful.
Below is what I currently take in Shaklee Supplementation:  
2 teaspoon VIVIX one morning & one night
1-Vitalizer Strip (80 Bio-optimized vitamins and minerals)
10 Tablets Alfalfa Complex
1 to 2 tablets B-Complex
4 soft gels OmegaGuard
2 tablets NutriFeron Immune Support
In addition to the above.....I take the Cinch Inch Loss Plan for 2 meals daily (breakfast and lunch) Cinch Shake Mix: Soy Protein I do mine with water you can use milk or soy milk, coconut milk, 2 capsules Glucose Regulation ComplexThis is what I take to regulate my Blood sugar along with a 3 to 4 mile walk every other day and one good meal for supper (no fast food at all).
Leddy V. from Scottsdale"

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